Greg Bagby

Listed as one of EdTech Magazine’s K-12 IT influencers for 2020,  Greg is currently the Coordinator of Instructional Technology for the Hamilton County Schools in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In this position, Greg works with schools that are 1:1, assisting them in integrating technology into their curriculum. Before this position, Greg was the principal at Barger Academy of Fine Arts, where he spent ten years infusing technology with the arts program. Before entering administration, Greg worked as a band director, computer teacher, and Technology Integration Specialist for 21st Century Academy.

He has done most of his tech training with the district in Chattanooga, holding sessions during professional learning days and before and after school. He has presented at Google Summits, state and national technology conferences, and EdCamp encore events. He is one of the co-founders of EdCampGigCity, a co-moderator for #EdTechChat and #TnEdChat, and a past host of the EduRoad Trip Podcast.

In addition, Greg is an adjunct professor, keynote speaker, and musician.